Our Ministry Plan (adopted September 2019)
Classis Illiana exists to unite its member
churches in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ within our
neighborhoods and communities and to provide a covenant community for mutual
support and encouragement as we engage in ministry. As each church is called to
“bear witness to Jesus Christ and his kingdom through word and deed”[1]
Classis Illiana will establish and maintain committees and representatives that
support this witness of our member churches.
The Ministry of Classis Illiana exists through
the work of several teams:
1. Supporting
the local and regional evangelistic and outreach efforts of our churches and
campus ministries – the work of the Classical Home Missions Committee (CHMC).
- The CHMC will provide vision and
leadership for the development of healthy congregations and campus ministries,
focusing on evangelism, church planting/development, and campus ministry in our
- The CHMC will develop an overall
classical strategy for evangelism, church planting/development, and campus
- The CHMC will provide resources to
congregations and campus ministries regarding church planting, evangelism and
other witnessing needs and opportunities.
2. Supporting
and assisting those aspiring to full-time ministry in the CRCNA – the work of
the Student Fund Committee (SFC) in consultation with the Classical Ministerial
Leadership Team (CMLT) and the Classical Interim Committee (CIC).
- The SFC will encourage member congregations
to be proactive in identifying possible candidates for ministry in the CRCNA
through an annual Banner ad and annual personal contact with a council leader
or pastor in each congregation.
- The SFC will be part of classis' efforts to
guide candidates for ministry through their educational and candidacy
journeys by recommending educational grants to classis, maintaining annual contact with candidates about their
developing sense of calling, and writing synodical candidacy committee reports as requested. Church councils may engage the SFC about their process
or candidacy as they feel need.
- The SFC will provide financial assistance to
those seeking ordination in the CRCNA.
3. Stewarding
the resources of the churches given to Classis Illiana through classical
ministry shares – the work of the Classical Interim Committee (CIC).
- The CIC will encourage member churches
to support the ministries of Classis Illiana.
- The CIC will provide supervision for
the financial affairs of classis and its ministries.
- The CIC will review all requests for
financial support and recommend appropriate classical support.
- The CIC will provide oversight and
support to all ministries.
4. Supporting
and encouraging the work and ministry of our member churches in order to
provide for our covenant community – the work of the Classical Interim
Committee (CIC), stated clerk, regional pastor, church visitors, church
counselors and church visitors.
- The
CIC will provide supervision and direction for the ministry of Classis
Illiana and the needs of member churches
in-between meetings of classis.
- The stated clerk will provide resources and
information to churches as they communicate
with classis regarding matters of ministry.
- The regional pastor will
support and encourage pastors of classis by providing pastoral care when needed.
- The church counselors will support and encourage churches of
classis by providing advice and guidance
in times of vacancy.
- Each pastor in Classis Illiana
is assigned to serve as the church visitor to a neighboring church for the
purpose of providing ongoing encouragement and support. He will be assisted by
an elder or experienced lay leader in his church.
[1] CRCNA Church Order and Its Supplements,
Article 73. Christian Reformed Church in North America, 2017.